The Millman, Harris, Romano Foundation, Inc.
10 Circular Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
To apply for a grant:
The Millman Harris Romano Foundation, Inc. prefers to fund special projects rather than the general operating expense (general overhead or indirect costs may not be included in submitted budgets). We will be happy to send you a copy of the grant and eligibility guidelines and answer your questions about grants and the application process. However, we ask that you submit a letter of inquiry, on your letterhead, prior to the submission of your proposal.
To submit letters of inquiry or for additional information, please contact:
The Millman, Harris, Romano Foundation, Inc.
10 Circular Road
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
T: 845-471-1775
F: 845-452-6343
Applicants should be aware of the following grantee guidelines:
- Funding can only be granted to 501(c)3 organizations (which are not private foundations under Section 509(a) of the code).
- Grant requests for the following activities will not be considered:
- Dinners, fundraising events, tickets, or benefit advertising;
- Direct mail solicitation;
- Service clubs, governmental and similar organizations;
- To individuals for any purpose;
- Debt or deficit reduction;
- Administrative or operating expenses