2002 Grantees

Ann Arbor Art Center

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Grant Amount: $8,000

Support of educational program


Ann Arbor Summer Festival

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Grant Amount: $5,000

Sponsorship of concerts


Dexter High School

Location: Dexter, MI

Grant Amount: $500

Funding of athletic programs


Dexter High School

Location: Dexter, MI

Grant Amount: $ 1,000

Support for performing art center


School for Performing Arts

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Grant Amount: $1,000

Support for music education programs


Scio Township Fire Department

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Grant Amount: $1,500

Funding of rescue equipment


WEMU-Eastern Michigan University

Location: Ypsilanti, MI

Grant Amount: $1,000

Support for fall fundraising drive